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Our Supporters

We are fortunate to have the following supporters be part of our team.

The Lohn Foundation 

The Lohn Foundation’s donation was made by Vancouver lawyer and Holocaust survivor Jack Kowarsky, who administers the fund. The foundation has donated more than $30 million in the 25 years since the death of Earl Lohn, a door-to-door vacuum cleaner salesman who had amassed a real estate fortune worth $137 million at the time of his death.

The Diamond Foundation

The Diamond Foundation is a private charitable family foundation first endowed by its founders, Jack and Gordon Diamond in 1984. The foundation was established to improve the quality of people’s lives in the communities in which the benefactors live and do business. The emphasis of its giving is directed toward organizations and issues that strengthen Jewish community life in Greater Vancouver. The Foundation also allocates a significant portion of its funds to Vancouver-area organizations that target young people who do not have the same opportunities as other youth to develop to their fullest potential or to participate in community life (Youth Initiatives Program) and other special interest projects that improve the quality of people’s lives in Greater Vancouver.

The Dayhu Family Foundation

Dayhu has a long history of philanthropy and takes great pride in responding to the needs of the community,

Dayhu proudly supports a variety of local, national and international causes, including a proud supporter of the Vancouver Jewish Community.

(c) 2019 Mamatefet

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